Week 5 - Live Authentically
Live Authentically
What does it mean to be authentic? Many people today would love to be described as authentic, unique, or genuine. The thought of standing out among the crowd and being “true to one’s self” is admired. Webster would define the word as reliable, unique, or of undisputed origin and based on facts. Something that is what it is and doesn’t change. So what would it mean to be and live as an authentic Christian, someone who is based on and rooted in Christ?
I believe Peter talks about this in 1 Peter 4. To be an “authentic” Christian, we must base our attitude, actions, and character on something rooted in fact. Something that’s reliable and unique. That is Christ. Peter describes changing your attitude by arming yourself with the same way of thinking as Christ. I’m not sure about you, but my attitude is a difference-maker in how some of my situations turn out. The way I think changes the words I use and the actions I take. To live authentically as Christ, we must set our minds on christlike things.
Peter also discusses abandoning our past, transforming, and using our gifts to live life to the fullest. We were all given gifts that are unique to us. Use them! Don’t dwell on your past. Christ died so that you could LIVE. So set your mind on that. Live like that!
We are not going to always get it right. We aren’t called to always get it right. By living like Christ, we aren’t trying to show how unique and genuine we are. By living authentically like Christ, we are hoping to bring others to Him. To His truth. To His righteousness. To His undisputed origin.
—Megan Swanger
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”
1 Peter 4:10-11