New Beginnings
New Beginnings
Many of your children or grandchildren have started back to school in the last two weeks. With the start of every school year, or anything new in my household for that matter, chaos, anxiety, excitement, uncertainty and stress may be present until a routine or “normalcy” are created. (A lack of sleep is also present) Many of us as parents are experiencing that right now as we try to schedule our way through all of the new things as we begin a new year.
It is so easy when things are uncertain and somewhat chaotic, to allow ourselves to become anxious, stressed and to even worry. I have found that it is in those moments that Satan works on me and my family the most. Those moments where we are consumed with things we may not be able to change. Those moments when our focus is shifted and we try to place ourselves in control.
When you think of the words “new beginning,” what emotions or feelings are brought to your mind? Uncertainty? Anxiety? Stress? Opportunity? Success? Excitement? Some of you may view change and new beginnings very positively. Some may really dread it.
As I have thought about all of the new beginnings in my own household, I have also been drawn to think about the new beginnings in my Northside family. Individually, many of us are dealing with new circumstances. New “normals”. The death of a loved one, a cancer diagnoses, a new job. New beginnings and change come in all different forms. Northside as a body faces a new beginning as it begins to search for a new preacher. It is normal for us to be uneasy or anxious about that process. It is also normal to be excited about a new opportunity for this body.
This week I want to encourage you that no matter what “new beginning” you are facing, try to face it with positivity. Try to face it with prayer and with your focus on the only One who matters - God. He did not die for us to worry about those things we can not control. He did not die to give us all of the answers. If you are a “fixer” like me, this is especially hard. The unknown is difficult. How we choose to act in the unknown moments shows our character. Who do you represent in those moments? I’ve been reminded this week of different scriptures that I have held close.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and sound judgement. 2 Timothy 1:7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
I’m excited about the new school year for all of our kiddos, and I am so excited for the next chapter in Northside’s future. I pray that we all will choose to show Christ’s character of humility, kindness and grace throughout our “new beginnings” moving forward.