Is This a Time for Praise?
Is this a Time for Praise?
I’m tired. Are you? This year has not been kind. There’s been so much pain, so much loss, so much sickness, so much bitterness, and life is too busy to stop and get real rest!! Some people are being rude to each other right now. We don’t typically have much empathy for others when we’re needing so much of it ourselves. And it’s no wonder! When life knocks you around, you want to strike back at something… or someone! So, feeling lately like I’ve got too much on my plate, I had a little pity party. I sulked around the house for a bit. I complained to those who love me enough to listen. And, thankfully, they gave me space to sulk. I think that’s a lot like Jesus. Not the sulking part… the giving people space part. Giving space to those who are hurting so they can enjoy a much-needed sulk, and loving them through it all, is just like Jesus. And Linda.
Have you felt that way also? This is a wounded church and the healing part is not going as quickly as we’d all hoped. It feels a bit like cancer treatment. It’s expensive, it’s extremely painful, it’s lengthy, and there are no guarantees it’ll work. While we’re going through it, it HURTS! And we aren’t sure it’ll be worth the pain in the end. It sometimes feels like this Body, the Northside Church family, is in a bit of a sulk. Tensions are sometimes strained to breaking point. Finances are being strained to breaking point. Involvement is some of our ministries is strained to breaking point. And some of this tension manifests itself in low attendance, low giving, and less excitement about what’s going on. Is the body of Christ in need of a sulk?
If there has ever been a person who deserved a good sulk, it was Jesus. And if there was ever a time when life was tough on someone, it was His final week! But John 17 records a prayer that He prayed right before He went to the cross and it’s filled with PRAISE! Praise to God for the eternal life He has extended to the world. Praise to God for the glory He will receive in the fulfillment of His purpose. Praise to God for the disciples who came to know Him. Praise to God for the believers who would come to know Jesus as a result of those early disciples (yes, pray and praise for US). Praise to God for refusing to give up on the world redeeming work that He had committed to before the world was ever created.PRAISE… PRAISE… AND MORE PRAISE!!!
Toward the end of my sulk last week, I sat down to pray. But before I did, I wrote down the list of things that I should give praise for. You were on that list. Yes, I know, I don’t always act like I would pray for you. But I did… and I do. Because we’re in this together, with Jesus. Let’s do something… let’s put an end to this period of feeling down and then let’s finish this year with a BANG. Because God doesn’t sulk. He’s not concerned. He knows we’re gonna make it. And He refuses to give up on us. And, if God is for us, who can be against us?!?