First and Ten!

Football season is in full swing. The Titans are playing well. My Kansas City Chiefs are 5-0. The Vols and the Dores are . . . Well, as I said, football season is in full swing.

And in this season we are beginning a new slogan for our offerings to God: “First and Ten!” I am so grateful for your response to the lessons on giving. You have been so supportive as we have talked about using our money for God’s glory.

Our FIRST AND TEN campaign is simply this: Our church leaders are asking each family unit to give at least ten percent of a recently received pay to our church offering on the FIRST SUNDAY of each month. And now you can give online too!

Some of you have already started! Thank you! But we hope that everyone will join in on the first Sunday of November. Please do this in November, December, January and February. In four months, you may decide that God is blessing you and your heart is following your treasure and you will just keep on doing that. Some may jump to that ten percent giving level all the time.

At Northside, we are excited about our future together as a church family. There are so many opportunities to serve God and grow spiritually and in bigger numbers. We need every part of the body in on these goals.

Thank you for serving together with me.
